The critically acclaimed production of Green Day’s hit musical, American Idiot, will be performing a special ‘Rock-A-Long’ performance for one night only on Thursday 8 September 2016. Following the huge success of last year’s event, audience members are encouraged to ‘ROCK OUT’ with the cast, following the musical’s return to its London home at the Arts Theatre in July.
With hit songs including “Boulevard of Broken Dreams,” “21 Guns,” “Wake Me Up When September Ends,” “Holiday” and the blockbuster title track “American Idiot” from Green Day’s 2004 Grammy Award-winning, multi-platinum album, it’s an extraordinary opportunity for the audience to sing along to some of the most iconic rock songs of all time.
American Idiot is currently running for a strictly limited run until 25 September 2016, following on from its critically acclaimed 2015 London run and 2016 UK Tour.