Iris Theatre, led by Artistic Director Paul-Ryan Carberry and based in the Actor’s Church in Covent Garden, announce the full cast for their upcoming production of Arthur/Merlin as part of their 2021 Summer Festival.
The full cast is Michael Elcock, Kate Donnachie, Lloyd Gorman and Gina Jamieson. Writer Reuben Johnson’s new re-imagining of this classic tale will take place outdoors in the beautiful gardens of the Actor’s Church and features spoken word, original songs and is led by a cast of actor-musicians. Arthur/Merlin will run from 4 August – 22 August.
Iris Theatre’s Artistic Director Paul-Ryan Carberry directs Michael Elcock (Arthur), Kate Donnachie (Merlin), Lloyd Gorman (Kaye) and Gina Jamieson (Morgan Le Fay).
Some use their power for good, some for evil. And some don’t even know they possess it.
Escaping at pace from their childhood home, the young Arthur happens upon an epic Forest. A place filled with strange and wondrous goings on. Encountering Merlin; a word-wielding wizard, their adventure must begin at once. With the future of a divided nation at stake, can these two companions complete their quest and reach their goal?