Casting has been announced for a festive new adaptation of the classic tale of Jack and the Beanstalk at Scarborough’s Stephen Joseph Theatre this Christmas.
Fee-fi-fo-fum – I smell the socks of a Scarborian!
There’s a rumour going round town. A scary rumour. Want to hear it? Well…
They reckon a giant has built a castle above the coastal clouds of Scarborough. A terrible giant. Meaner than mean and nastier than nasty.
He ate the Easter Bunny!
Used the Tooth Fairy as dental floss!
He’s going to kidnap Santa!
He has to be stopped!
It’s all rubbish of course. Jack started the rumour by accident, but since he seems to know more about this monster than anyone else, he’s the obvious choice to head up that weird beanstalk he grew in his nan’s garden, above the clouds, and destroy the beast!
No problem, thinks Jack. Go up the most unpopular kid in school; come down a hero. After all, it’s only a rumour. Isn’t it…?
This Christmas the team that brought you The Snow Queen, Treasure Island, Alice in Wonderland and A (Scarborough) Christmas Carol invite you up the Beanstalk to discover the truth!
The cast is Jacob Butler, Jessica Dennis, Sheri Lineham, Alicia McKenzie and Loris Scarpa.
The SJT is returning to full capacity for most performances of Jack and the Beanstalk, but for the comfort of those who prefer it, nine performances – roughly two shows a week – will stay at social distance – full details can be found on the SJT website.
Jack and the Beanstalk can be seen in the Round at the SJT on from Friday 3 to Friday 31 December.
Tickets are available from the box office on 01723 370541 and online at