Today Mischief Theatre announce the new crooks in town, as the UK touring cast are set to replace the current West End cast, in the critically acclaimed and Olivier Award nominated The Comedy About a Bank Robbery. Celebrating 3 years in London’s West End, The Comedy About a Bank Robbery recently extended until May 2020 and is looking forward to welcoming the new convicts to the Criterion Theatre.
Sean Carey (Sam Monaghan), David Coomber (Neil Cooper), Julia Frith (Caprice Freeboys), George Hannigan (Everyone Else) Liam Jeavons (Mitch Ruscitti), Damian Lynch (Robin Freeboys), Killian Macardle (Officer Randal Chuck), Jon Trenchard (Warren Slax) and Ashley Tucker (Ruth Monaghan) take over from 25 June. Completing the company are understudies Julie Cullen, Charlotte Duffy, Tom Hopcroft, Ross Virgo and Eddy Westbury.
Mischief Theatre’s smash-and-grab hit The Comedy About a Bank Robbery is a fast, fabulous comedy caper and one of the funniest shows in the West End!
Summer 1958. Minneapolis City Bank has been entrusted with a priceless diamond. An escaped convict is dead set on pocketing the gem with the help of his screwball sidekick, trickster girlfriend… and the maintenance man. With mistaken identities, love triangles and hidden agendas, even the most reputable can’t be trusted. In a town where everyone’s a crook, who will end up bagging the jewel?