What does a 31-year-old theatre kid do when a DNA test reveals that his biological parents aren’t quite who he thought they were? Write a musical, of course! Our Little Secret: the 23andMe® Musical (Winner, Best of Fringe Toronto 2023) is the true story of the suddenly not-so-only child Noam Tomaschoff as he grapples with questions of family, identity, and just how many brothers and sisters he really has (38 half-siblings and counting).
Blending comedy, drama, and addictive music, Noam takes the audience on an unforgettable emotional journey as he unravels the secret that his dad is not his biological father. Woven through with themes of optimism and radical empathy, it explores Noam’s beginnings, the moment his world is turned upside down, and the fallout – not only for him but his parents. Noam couples his irresistible charm and wit with a raw vulnerability that leaves the audience laughing, crying, and roaring with applause.
Less than one year after Noam made his shocking genetic discovery, Our Little Secret found critical acclaim at Fringe Toronto, selling out its run and winning both the Best of Fringe and Patron’s Pick awards. This absorbing, hilarious, and moving musical now brings its universal story of connection to Edinburgh, leaning into the joy and emotion of using art to find our way in a time of change.
Noam Tomaschoff comments, People often ask me why I decided to write a musical about my genetic discovery, and my answer is always the same: I didn’t see an alternative! Incorporating this potentially destructive news into my life story through song and storytelling has been essential not only for me, but for my family as well. A moment that could have torn us apart has actually brought us closer together. This story is so emotionally personal for me, and writing and performing it has been the most challenging but gratifying experience of my life. I am so excited to share it with everyone in Edinburgh.
Previous praise for Our Little Secret: the 23andMe® Musical:
Have you ever known that you were witnessing something that was destined to get real big, real fast? We’re overdue for another Fringe sleeper headed towards monster stardom, and it’s here. (…) Despite the weighty topic, the tone is gloriously light and funny. There is not a single false note in the entire show and no moment that feels clichéd. It’s an emotional ride of the best kind – The Charming Modernist)
Our Little Secret is a light, fun musical that drags the unspoken onstage to be sung about and in doing so makes a dark secret a bright light – My Entertainment World
23andMe® is a leading consumer genetics and research company. Founded in 2006, the company’s mission is to help people access, understand, and benefit from the human genome. 23andMe has pioneered direct access to genetic information with the most comprehensive ancestry breakdown and personalized health risk reports.
Venue: Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose (Doonstairs), 3 Chambers Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1HT