Timpson is a well-known and loved high street chain, often commended for the perks they offer their employees, but very few people probably know the history of the company, how it was founded or where that ethos came from. Audiences at Timpson The Musical will be left none-the-wiser, because this comedy musical, supported by Timpson, is complete fiction, and what gloriously fun fiction it is too.
Two warring households, the Montashoes and the Keypulets battle it out on the market carts of Victorian London, two young inventors, Monty and Keeleigh look destined to be star-crossed lovers despite their parents wishes, and the competition for an honourable mention at the Invention Convention. Any resemblance to Romeo & Juliet ends fairly quickly as countless plot twists and gags take the story in a whole new, and entirely unexpected direction.
Written by Chris Baker and Sam Cochrane, Timpson The Musical is rip-roaringly funny with the audience in hysterics for much of the sixty-minute running time.  There are large chunks where you would believe the cast are making the whole thing up as they go along, but that’s a sign of just how polished it actually is.
The cast are suitably over the top in their delivery, but that doesn’t distract from a fantastic vocal performance from Sabrina Messer as Keeleigh. Chris Baker acts as a kind of narrator, and is the strongest member of the cast with a natural ability to draw the audience in to the fold. Some of the funniest scenes are when he and fellow writer, Sam Cochrane take on a number of roles within the same scene, resulting in comical chaos.
With a live band, comprised of Ben Richardson, Will Davis and Zach Okonkwo (all dressed in Timpson aprons), the score from Theo Caplan and Tom Slade is upbeat and energetic, ‘Gotta Get Up When They Knock You Down’ is a wonderful example of a comedy musical number and a testament to the quality that sits behind the production.
Timpson The Musical is the kind of musical that works brilliantly at Edinburgh Fringe, but is strong enough in its execution to be in contention for a further life in London or on tour. If you want to know the story behind Timpson, look on Wikipedia, but if you want a brilliantly funny and unique musical filled with blistering wit and toe-tapping numbers then Timpson The Musical is the one for you.
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