Five Little Christmas Monkeys returns with a special Christmas-themed show for 2 – 6 year olds. Created by the team behind the hit family show Dogs Don’t Do Ballet, this enlivening show introduces children to a thumping soundtrack of musical styles ranging from dub reggae to rap and classical ballet.
Sue the Zookeeper is trying to get the five little monkeys to go to bed – and she’s got a special situation on her hands because it’s Christmas Eve and the monkeys are even more excited than normal. Watch as ordinary household objects come alive and magically transform into the stern doctor who warns, ‘No more monkeys jumping on the bed!’ as young audience members are taken on a journey where counting from 1 – 5 is made enjoyably silly.
The show has been developed using advice from early-years numeracy specialists, and uses puppets designed and made by the award-winning artist and illustrator Frances Barry. The wide-ranging musical score is composed by Rex Horan of the Neil Cowley Trio and helps young minds to engage with a variety of different musical styles, some of which may be new to them and others that they’ll already know and love. The show is performed by Andrea Sadler who creates a warm, welcoming and friendly atmosphere for all children to feel at home in.
All performances are suitable for parents and babies.
Andrea Sadler said, “Five Little Christmas Monkeys is so much fun to perform and the response from the young audiences is always fantastic. We are so excited about returning to Park Theatre this Christmas for a show packed with laughter, music and beautiful puppets.”
Park Theatre presents exceptional theatre in the heart of Finsbury Park, boasting two world-class performance spaces: Park200 for predominantly larger scale productions by established talent, and Park90, a flexible studio space, for emerging artists. In eight years, it has enjoyed eight West End transfers (including Daytona starring Maureen Lipman, The Boys in the Band starring Mark Gatiss, Pressure starring David Haig and The Life I Lead starring Miles Jupp), two National Theatre transfers, twenty-five national tours, five Olivier Award nominations, has won Offie Awards for Best New Play and Best Foodie Experience and won a Theatre of the Year award from The Stage. Park Theatre are grateful to all those who have donated to the Park Life fund, supporting the venue through the pandemic.
Five Little Christmas Monkeys is at Park Theatre 14th – 22nd December 2021.