Taking its title from the story of Bruce Wayne, the death of his parents and his transformation, BATMAN (aka Naomi’s Death Show) explores the playwright’s personal experience of parental death and bereavement whilst satirising the true crime genre. Naomi Westerman’s mother passed away unexpectedly in May 2018; now she’s taking the audience on an interactive quest to uncover the truth and enact justice – some might say vengeance – on those responsible.
A woman walks down a blossom-lined street, a knife clutched in her pocket. She’s on her way to confront the man who killed her mother. Join Naomi for an exploration of death, grief, bereavement, art, and fish. Eat cake, play Death Bingo, explore an underwater mansion, and participate (or not!) in an in-person shiva ceremony.
A digital version of BATMAN (aka Naomi’s Death Show) will be made available for audiences who are not able to attend in person. This will be specially created for a digital audience, using web design, creative coding, video, and audio to replicate and present an equivalent version of the in person show for digital audiences.
Artistic Director for Chronic Insanity, Joe Strickland, said “It’s so great to be able to debut this powerful and nuanced production from Naomi at VAULT Festival this year, and the first show from our Arts Council Supported Digital Literary Department commissioning scheme. Chronic Insanity runs the UK’s first literary department dedicated to developing digital theatre and BATMAN’s development, interactivity, and online accompanying performances are all fantastic ways of showcasing the benefits of making work simultaneously for in person and online audiences to enjoy. We can’t wait to have people, whether physically present and available during the run or not, to be able to experience this phenomenal piece of theatre”
Chronic Insanity are also taking All Falls Down to VAULT Festival 2023 between 24 – 28 January. The interactive horror show tells the story of a group of friends trying to make contact with civilisation and survive in the wilderness after a plane crash, with the audience’s actions deciding how the story progresses.