The cast has been announced for a heartful and thought-provoking debut play which explores the complexities of international adoption. Opening at Upstairs at the Gatehouse in February, Too Many Books, by award-winning journalist Judi Bevan, is inspired by lived experiences of adopting a child during the time of China’s one child policy. Spanning two years, the play follows the couple as they navigate bureaucratic obstacles, cultural differences and pressures on their relationship, whilst shedding light on issues of identity, cultural displacement and the emotional journey of parents seeking to create a family.
The cast stars Lucy Pickles (The Wasp, The Space; Acorn, Courtyard Theatre; The Feast at Solhaug, Barons Court Theatre) as Julia and John Sackville (Go Bang Your Tambourine, Finborough Theatre; Richard III, Headlong and Bristol Old Vic; Absolute Hell, National Theatre) as Daniel. Joining them is Sue Kelvin (Wicked, Apollo Theatre; Private Lives, Gielgud Theatre; Travelling Light and A Streetcar Named Desire, National Theatre) in the role of Cynthia, with Alexandra O’Neill (Sister Boniface Mysteries, Holby City and Doctors, BBC) as Zaydee with Carol Walton (Second Hand Problems, Camden Fringe Festival; Babylon Beyond Borders, The Bush Theatre; The Crown, BBC) as Chloe.
Actor, writer and director Christopher Hunter (RSC; Pablo Saura’s Love Lost, Toby Reisz’s Nothing To Lose, Sherlock, BBC) will direct the production, supported by set and costume designer Hannah Danson (Sabbath: A Tragedy of Witches, OSO Arts Centre; Treasure Island, Poole Lighthouse; Don Giovanni, Theatre im Delphi) and Lighting Designer Jonathan Chan (Snowflakes, Old Red Lion; Move Fast and Break Things, Camden People’s Theatre; The Flea, The Yard Theatre).
Set in the 1990s, Too Many Books tells the story of Julia and Daniel as they face stringent legislation whilst adopting a child from China. Inspired by real events, the audience follow the couple’s journey from the initial assessment, right through to the local council tribunal and ending with their trip to China to take home their adoptive child.
Writer Judi Bevan comments, I am thrilled to be bringing my first full-length play to Upstairs at the Gatehouse. The issue it covers is intensely personal to me and will be for many other adopters, would-be adopters and those people touched by adoption.