Fully Amplified is a seven-part original drama-documentary series exploring the untold stories of over 30 women and non-binary people from all walks of life, brought to audiences by some of the UK’s most dynamic writers.
Themes include the treatment of Asian women in the wake of COVID-19, the Armenian Genocide, interracial relationships, internalised misogyny within queer femme bodies and domestic abuse.
Each episode, a different writer partners with a different community for conversations filled with honesty, laughter and revelation, interweaved with blistering new writing inspired by their stories. From the realities of love in all its forms, to family, activism, and the struggle to find your place in the world, Fully Amplified brings you extraordinary stories of survival, injustice, hope, and the sweet delight of a home cooked meal. Stories that demand to be heard.
A Reduced Listening Production for Futures Theatre, commissioned and developed by Futures Theatre.
Futures Theatre’s artistic director Caroline Bryant said, “Fully Amplified demanded the writing of powerful unapologetic audio theatre inspired by intimate and authentic conversations of women and non-binary people. It champions and celebrates that they are so much more than how others may see them and the limitations pressed upon them. Birthed out of instinct and the necessity to work differently, I’ve loved creating this series full of variety. It’s been an immense chance to work with these unique writers and the contributors as they shared their magnificent lives, histories, and hopes”
Futures Theatre, founded in 1992, is a London based charity that exists so that underrepresented women and non-binary people can live their fullest lives, amplifying their voices through theatre, engagement programmes and training.
Using theatre they fight for equity and social change, bringing art to communities who are often socially or economically excluded from traditional theatre experiences. Futures collaborates with skilled artists to develop each project, creating opportunities for brilliant female and non-binary artists, addressing the under-representation of their talent in UK theatre and celebrating this untapped potential.
Reduced Listening is an audio company making radio, podcasts, drama and documentary. Recent credits include The Grey Man and Other Lost Legends [Best Sound, BBC Audio Drama Awards 2021] and the Lockdown Theatre Festival for BBC Radio 3 + 4, where they adapted 4 stage plays cancelled due to COVID-19 commissioned as part of Culture in Quarantine [Year of Innovation Award, BBC Audio Drama Awards 2021] . They care about culture and stories that don’t otherwise get told and draw on decades of podcast and radio making to craft award-winning audio.
For more information please see: https://www.futurestheatre.co.uk/fully-amplified