Jonathan Taylor Productions announces Jean-Paul Sartre’s The Respectable Prostitute directed by Lisa Forrell. The production opens at The Playground Theatre on 21 May, with previews from 20 May, and runs until 6 June.
1940s America is hot, steamy, and wild. Neon signs fill the streets with light while a sinister air blows. Powerful people spread false truths for their personal ambition.
In the midst of lies, fake news, racism and other daily affronts in the southern United States, an innocent prostitute wants to tell the truth about a brutal murder while an influential senator tries to convince her otherwise.
Lisa Forrell, Director, said today, “Just as the Nazis were being uprooted from France in 1945, Sartre turned to writing about America. An America riddled with prejudice, racial hatred, corruption, lies, abuse of women and guns. This brilliantly written parable exposes the roots of America today like no other and is the most vivid, excoriating tale for our time. How much has changed in 75 years? Palpably not much at all.”