Following award-winning, sell-out runs at Edinburgh Fringe 2017 and Soho Theatre, Dust by Milly Thomas (Clique, BBC3; Clickbait and A First World Problem, Theatre503), directed by Sara Joyce, now transfers to the West End’s Trafalgar Studios.
Dust is a refreshing, caustic and comedic treatment of one woman’s depression and suicide. Written using Thomas’ own experience of depression and her desire to talk more about suicide and mental health in society today, Dust is very much about life, about those who remain behind after a suicide, and how squeamish we are around death.
As Alice is forced to watch the aftermath of her suicide and its ripple effect on her family and friends, she quickly learns that death changes people and that death is not the change she hoped for.
Milly Thomas comments, “I am utterly thrilled that Dust is back again for more and I am beyond excited for it to transfer to Trafalgar Studios. Knowing that I’ll be back in the bodysuit soon has filled me with joy and I can’t wait to share Dust and Alice’s story with a whole new audience and take our journey further.
Thomas’ skilful multi-role portrayal of Alice and those closest to her, as well as her intensely detailed writing, awarded her a Stage Edinburgh Award for Dust in 2017 and a nomination for Best Female in the Off West End Awards 2018.
Dust is at Trafalgar Studios 4th September – 13th October.