Introducing Irish rising star Catherine Bohart who debuts this very personal show entitled ‘Immaculate’ at the Pleasance Courtyard for the month of August. This very funny show explores the small town in Ireland where Catherine was brought up, her identity as a bisexual woman, her struggles with OCD and the various conflicts and contradictions that arise out of these facets of who she is.
The show centres around Catherine’s relationship with her father who also happens to be her best friend. An issue arises when they both essentially “come out”: Catherine as bisexual, her father as a Catholic Deacon. This creates a bit of friction between them, as the Catholic Church is obviously not known for their liberal attitudes with regards the LGBTQ+ community. Catherine is a bit put out by her father joining an organisation that has such a troubling record on not just LGBTQ+ rights but a number of different issues, while her dad also has a bit of a tough time fully understanding Catherine’s own revelation about her sexuality.
Catherine’s father firmly believes that the Church’s role is to help people and that the best way to reform the institution is to do so from within. Catherine fundamentally disagrees with this assessment and finds it hard to process her dad’s decision in the context of both her sexuality and own lack of religious faith. Compounding these issues with their relationship is Catherine’s OCD, which, in her own words, “made her a tough kid to love” and which makes her dad’s friendship and amazing support all the more important to her.