Sam Dugmore (The Latebloomers: Scotland!) stars as the greatest action hero of all time, unearthing ruthless man skills to confront his biggest nemesis… himself.
A deadly mission filled with calamity, 80s workout montage, explosions, evil Russians, suppressed raw emotion and a dog called Fluffy.
High energy, rip-roaring physical comedy that will blow your socks off and leave you wanting more!
Sam has a Bachelor of Creative Arts majoring in Performance from the University of Wollongong in NSW, Australia. He spent three years touring educational shows Australia-wide with theatre company Brainstorm Productions and has worked extensively in film and television. Sam is also a member of The Latebloomers, an international company of performers from the UK, Sweden, and Australia who met at the Jacques Lecoq International Theatre School in Paris. Their work draws on their training in physical theatre, clown and mime.
Manbo is directed by Jess Clough-MacRae and produced by James Seabright