The first full length show from comedy duo Christy White Spunner and Mark Jones, Sisters: White Noise, is debuting at The Edinburgh Fringe. It draws on the pairs vast comedic experience having performed together on work in progress pieces in London.
It’s essentially a sketch show with a narrative running through. The comedy is quite dark, with kidnappings and orphans forming some of the more out-there sketches, but it is incredibly funny. Sometimes you wonder of you should be laughing, but invariably you are too caught up in the atmosphere and just go with it.
The pair make great use of multimedia throughout the show. The opening and ending are particularly funny and a great deal of work has clearly gone in to making them work. The use of audience interaction is also good and no-one should feel too uncomfortable.
Audiences may be surprised to see that the ‘sisters’ are male and they explain their reasoning for the shows title early on. They work extremely well as a team, and come across as complete opposites working in harmony. Christy is more the straight guy, with Mark doing most of the eccentric stuff and that definitely works for the duo. The pacing is spot on and the number of sketches feels just right.
Sisters: White Noise is ideal for anyone looking for a break from the usual stand up, especially if they have a slightly darker sense of humour. A fantastic Fringe debut for Christy and Mark with plenty of highlights to enjoy.