Hampstead Theatre presents the world premiere of Ryan Craig’s fiery family drama Filthy Business. Directed by Artistic Director Edward Hall, this new production takes a closer look at the entrepreneurial outsiders who became part of the beating heart of modern Britain. Critically acclaimed actor Sara Kestelman takes on the lead role of matriarch Yetta Solomon in this epic new work.
1968, East London. Over the years and against all the odds, Yetta Solomon has built a thriving business from nothing through sheer grit and passion. Ignoring all the obstacles – insufficient capital, economic downturns, aggressive competition – she has found a way to survive everything adversity could throw at her.
Now she faces her toughest challenge: her family. In a rapidly changing Britain, Yetta must protect the shop and keep it in the Solomon family. But her sons, grandchildren and in-laws have other ideas… Always ruthless, how far will she go to keep the business in the family and the family in the business?