Written and directed by Dead Puppet Society’s Creative Director David Morton, The Wider Earth is an ingenious coming-of-age story which explores the little-known story of the rebellious young Charles Darwin when, aged only 22, he set out on his daring five-year voyage on the HMS Beagle. This visually spectacular production features 30 extraordinary puppets representing the tropical wildlife Darwin encountered on his voyage which are as much the stars of the show as the stellar cast who will bring them to life.
The Wider Earth is at The Natural History Museum 2nd – 30th October 2018.
1. The Company in rehearsals
The Company in rehearsals for The Wider Earth
2. Jack Parry-Jones and Matt Tait
Jack Parry-Jones and Matt Tait
3. Matt Tait and Melissa Vaughan
Matt Tait and Melissa Vaughan
4. Bradley Foster
Bradley Foster
5. Melissa Vaughan and Bradley Foster
Melissa Vaughan and Bradley Foster
6. David Morton and Nicholas Paine c. Mark Douet
David Morton and Nicholas Paine c. Mark Douet