This half term, HistoryRiot will zoom families back in time to geta fun-filled taste of life at Greenwich Palace, as it was during the Tudor era, in their new interactive story Tudor Palace Palaver. Expert storytellers HistoryRiot bring to life the history of the Old Royal Naval College when it was a palace built for Elizabeth of York, and later home to Henry VIII. This interactive Zoom show will run during half-term afternoons, perfect for families during the holiday.
Come and meet Henry VIII’s mother, Elizabeth of York, as she visits her favourite palace at Greenwich to see how the new building work is going. There’s drama in the air with an upcoming Royal Wedding, construction and Henry’s 10thbirthday party. Audiences can immerse themselves in Tudor life, get involved in the story and try to impress the Queen as they follow this interactive online show.
Tudor Palace Palaver is the perfect opportunity for anyone who has missed getting out and about and interacting with history face-to-face at heritage sites. Now, you can get comfortable on the sofa and laugh, learn and have fun as a family. Audiences can evenvirtually travel around the palace with friends and relatives who attend from other households.
This spring will see a new exhibition, Mischief and Misadventure, at the Old Royal Naval College by renowned artist and illustrator Nick Ellwood, until September 2021. Ellwood has previously contributed to the amazing children’s activities packs and has run Learn to Draw workshops with the Old Royal Naval College.
Tudor Palace Palaver runs 16th – 20th February 2021. Tickets are on sale here