The Mercury Theatre in Colchester has today announced that they have received the Theatre of Sanctuary Award in recognition of their allyship and work supporting migrant groups in and around the Colchester area, becoming the first theatre in Essex to receive the award. The announcement was made during their annual Carol Concert on the 19th December, which was raising money for RAMA – Refugee, Asylum Seeker & Migrant Action.
Over the past decade the Mercury Theatre has continued its commitment to supporting and engaging those seeking sanctuary in Colchester working in close partnership with Refugee, Asylum Seeker and Migrant Action (RAMA).
At the Mercury, they aim to offer the opportunity for people from the refugee, asylum and migrant community to feel valued, heard, welcome and respected. The aim is that everyone can finally feel safe and come to see Colchester as their home regardless of the length of their stay.
The Mercury Theatre was funded by Essex Community Foundation and National Lottery Community Foundation to run two yearlong projects with the refugee community which included their Global Choir and Creative Meetups. Creative Meetups were initially an intergenerational introduction to Colchester running craft and drama games sessions along with a tour and refreshments. This then was followed by a six-month sewing project around costume making. The group of women made three costumes inspired by British and Afghan cultures which was displayed at the theatre during World Refugee week.
The work would not be possible without their close partnership with RAMA – formerly Colchester Refugee Action developed over the last decade. Together they can sustain their programming through identifying small funding schemes to support project costs. RAMA provides further pastoral care and support for participants through access to their services and their volunteer befriending scheme.
The Mercury Theatre also offer complimentary tickets to theatre shows, family days, workshops and performance opportunities.
City of Sanctuary was founded in 2005 to promote, network and resource activities that focus on including refugees who are seeking safety in the UK. It works across sectors, from local councils to theatres, to create welcoming spaces.
Maria Wilby, Operation Lead at RAMA said, “The Mercury Theatre has been functioning as an ally of vulnerable migrants in and around Colchester for many years. It’s a pleasure to see this work formally recognised by the City of Sanctuary movement. I know that there is a dedicated commitment at the theatre to make the lives of those seeking sanctuary better. The warm welcome and careful thought around people’s needs put in by the Mercury team is a valued gift for this city.”
Hazel Edwards, South East Area Director, Arts Council England, said: “It’s wonderful to see Colchester Mercury Theatre recognised for their amazing outreach work with asylum seekers and refugees with this Theatre of Sanctuary Award. Theatres, arts centres and other cultural spaces often act as safe havens, providing creative opportunities as well as company and support for some of the most vulnerable members of our local communities. Our congratulations go out to everyone at the theatre as well as those at RAMA. We look forward to seeing this vital work flourish well into the future.”
Ashley Beckett, Arts Coordinator & London Coordinator at City of Sanctuary said, “Mercury Theatre has demonstrated not only that they see the value and importance of supporting and telling the stories of people with lived experience of seeking sanctuary but also that they are a community hub that champions the idea of welcome and inclusion for all. We are thrilled to award them as a Theatre of Sanctuary.”
Cllr Michelle Burrows, Colchester City Council Cabinet member for Leisure, Culture and Heritage, said: “Colchester has a long history of supporting displaced groups fleeing war and persecution – a tradition it continues to honour as a City of Sanctuary – and so I am delighted to extend our heartfelt congratulations to the Mercury Theatre on receiving the prestigious Theatre of Sanctuary Award. This recognition is a testament to the theatre’s unwavering commitment to supporting and engaging migrant groups in our community. Their achievements serve as an exemplary model of community building and reaffirm our shared aspiration to foster a harmonious and welcoming Colchester for all.”