Set during the ‘Hidden War’ of Cameroonian Independence, the empowering production Under the Kundè Tree is coming to Southwark Playhouse this spring.
Under the Kundè Tree, written by Clarisse Makundul and directed by Ebenezer Bamgboye, follows a young woman, Sara, struggling to balance her heart’s desire and the pressure to fulfil traditional familial obligations during a time of conflict and the fight for decolonisation.
Inspired by her grandmother’s generation in Cameroon, Makundul explores the challenges that women like Sara faced every day in the 1950s during a violent and turbulent period. The drama tackles issues of colonialism, family, love, identity and freedom, grappling with these important topics that have significant contemporary relevance, while also revealing an often overlooked and unknown part of world history.
Under the Kundè Tree is the only production in the UK to explore the Cameroonian Independence War through the lens of women. The conflict is often called the ‘Hidden War’, as it never made global headlines and to this day isn’t taught in schools around the world. This powerful production highlights this important moment in the decolonisation of Africa, and the history of Cameroon and its people.
Director Ebenezer Bamgboye comments, A true honour to be bringing this gripping, visceral and virtuosic play to life; telling the story of the Cameroonian fight for independence for the first time in British theatre history. Alongside a stellar creative team, we are seeking to create an immersive, visually arresting and deeply theatrical production that entertains audiences whilst confronting them with the previously hidden, dark history of the Western world.
Under the Kundè Tree is at Southwark Playhouse Borough Wednesday 24th May – Saturday 17th June 2023. Tickets are on sale here.