Her Green Hell explores our fractured relationship with nature through a captivating combination of physical theatre and puppetry. It tells the remarkable survival story of Juliane Koepcke, who falls 10,000 feet from a plane crash into the Amazon rainforest.
Trapped in the Peruvian rainforest, having survived a plane crash and a fall of 10,000 feet, Juliane is utterly alone and hopelessly lost. But she’s the daughter of two Amazon zoologists – she knows what to do.
In their ‘astonishing debut’ show (LostInTheatreland.co.uk), TheatreGoose reimagine the true survival story of Juliane Koepcke with a captivating combination of puppetry and physical theatre. A ‘tragic but resilient’ (FringeBiscuit.co.uk) exploration of our fractured relationship with nature, it reveals the strength of humility in the face of insurmountable danger. Her Green Hell explores the stark and unique experience of Juliane Koepcke through a range of media and theatre practice that finally allows the audience an opportunity to fully engage with and feel her experience.
Show creator and Artistic Director of TheatreGoose Emma Howlett explains, “I first heard Juliane’s story four years ago on a true crime podcast, and it stayed with me in vivid detail. Her straight-talking personality was as unexpected as her serendipitously specific upbringing in the jungle, and her unique catastrophe – she really was the perfect person to survive a plane crash in the middle of the rainforest. As a director I’m drawn to stories with the capacity for highly visual and physical realisations, and as a writer, I love creating rich worlds that are rooted in research and their female characters – so, for me, Juliane’s odyssey through the Amazon rainforest is the perfect canvas.”