Critically-acclaimed solo show Psychobitch by Singaporean playwright-poet-lawyer Amanda Chong, makes its international premiere at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 2024. Darkly witty and searingly insightful, Psychobitch investigates gender roles and explores the subtle shades of toxic relationships.
Anya is a Type-A, overachieving journalist with a tech-bro CEO fiancé. When he accuses her of being “too emotional” for crying in public four times over the course of their two-year relationship, Anya starts preparing a slide deck in the language he understands best – corporate – to save her relationship, complete with animated infographics of her menstrual cycle. Anya is forced to confront harsh truths about who she is and what she wants.
First staged in Singapore by Wild Rice at The Ngee Ann Kong Si Theatre in August 2023, Psychobitch sees actor Sindhura Kalidas play a myriad of characters – Anya; her grandmother; and the men in her life – in a bravura performance that refracts gender politics and toxic masculinity through a woman’s experience. Exploring our fundamental desire to be fully understood and loved, Psychobitch challenges us to examine the concessions we make in our search for love and the secrets we keep in order to live.