The Watermill Theatre’s Christmas show, The Prince and The Pauper is a lively new adaptation by Chinonyerem Odimba of Mark Twain’s classic story of confused identities with music and lyrics by Tarek Merchant.
Featuring a multi-talented cast of actor-musicians, The Prince and The Pauper is directed by The Watermill’s Associate Director Abigail Pickard Price. The show is designed by Katie Lias, with lighting design by Tom White and sound design by Philip Matejtschuk. The Prince and The Pauper is suitable for ages 4+.
The full cast is David Fallon (The Prince), Stacey Ghent (Bette), Loren O’Dair (Nan), Anne-Marie Piazza (Lady Whatsit), Tendai Rinomhota (The Pauper) and Hayden Wood (Father Canty/The King).
Two young dreamers with very different lives long for change. The Prince is bored of royal life, of endless parties and rules and grown-ups. Most of all, he hates the grown-ups and wishes he had friends his own age to play with. Outside the palace walls in the bustling streets of London, a young girl who loves to play music and dance, dreams of escaping her humble life to perform for the finest people in the city.
When their two worlds collide, the Prince and the Pauper embark on a thrilling adventure beyond their wildest imaginations. Switching places to live each other’s lives, will they ever be the same again?
Director Abigail Pickard Price said ‘Mark Twain’s novel sits on the cusp of a fairy tale. A story that feels steeped in history but full of magic. This magic will transform The Watermill stage into London Town with six actor-musicians bringing the world of a young pair, the Prince and the Pauper to life and taking us from the Palace to the East End of London. Uniting this pair is a love of music, the want to play and a passion for beautiful songs. This music allows for an adventure of mistaken identity, with many a talking dog, pickpocket and lively character to meet along the way!’
The Prince and The Pauper is at Watermill Theatre 14 November 2019 to 4 January 2020.